The misguidedness of a few hurts the many …

Michael Scarmack for Ohio General Assembly House of Representatives District 73
Are you looking for a candidate who values tradition, experience, and community?

Drawing upon a lifetime of experience and a deep commitment to serving others, Michael Scarmack is a devoted grandfather dedicated to making a difference in the Ohio General Assembly House of Representatives.

As a grandfather, he understands the importance of creating a better future for the next generation. His years of wisdom and leadership make him a strong advocate for families, education, and community development.

Concerning our grandchildren’s earthly future, the misguidedness of a few hurts the many, from Ohio to Alabama / Florida, within state legislative bodies, state supreme courts, and state governorships. (Yes, in Tennessee and Texas and Arkansas too!)

We are running a race to work for our grandchildren’s future, based on logic, science, and in the interests of the reasonable compassionate majority of people.

Campaigning for a political seat in the General Assembly as a progressive in Ohio today offers a chance for needed change and greater impact.

Here are three compelling reasons why an Ohioan who cares should consider stepping into the political arena:

1. Advocating for Progressive Policies: By running for a seat in the General Assembly as a progressive, individuals can champion policies that align with their values and beliefs. Whether it's advocating for healthcare reform, environmental awareness, or social justice initiatives, being part of the decision-making process allows for beneficial change within the state.

2. Representation and Diversity: Running for office as a progressive allows individuals to represent underrepresented or marginalized communities within Ohio. By bringing diverse perspectives to the table, candidates can ensure that a broader range of voices are heard and accounted for in the legislative process.

3. Driving Long-term Change: Elected officials have the power to shape the future trajectory of Ohio.

By running for office as a progressive, individuals can work towards creating a more equitable, sustaining, and inclusive future for all residents of a district, in our case House of Representatives District 73. Being part of the General Assembly provides the opportunity to introduce and pass legislation that can have a lasting impact on Ohio's society and economy.

Overall, vying for a political seat in the General Assembly, allows individuals to be proactive in shaping the future of Ohio towards a more inclusive direction.


An Excerpt of a Speech by Hillary Rodham Clinton


Good Governance matters